Rok: 1917
Minutáž: 6 mins
Popis: The sports are watched by the divisional GOC, Major-General Harper of 51st (Highland) Division, and by Field Marshal Haig. The pipe band marches past the watching troops. Haig, after looking around, leaves on horseback. The finish of the mile race is watched by the senior officers including Harper. There is also a wheelbarrow race, a race in gasmasks, a pillow-fight on a greasy pole, a race for local children, a race for bandsmen in full kit, and a tug of war. The prizes are given to the children by officers of the regiment, and to the men by Major-General Harper.
7th Battalion, the Black Watch, sports at Bailleul, Western Front, 10 May 1917.
Klíčová slova: EFG1914 / World War I / Haig, Douglas / Harper, George Montague / British Army, Black Watch, 7th Battalion / recreation, British military - sport: Highland games / 01/3(4-15).6 / Bailleul, Somme, France / Children / Children and war
Poskytovatel: Imperial War Museums
Práva: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Produkční společnost: Topical Film Company
Barva: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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